Turion F Wilson

Actor from Illinois

Few words about Turion

Turion F Wilson is a professional male Actor from Illinois with 24 years of professional experience. Turion F is interested in film, theater, commercial, television, voiceover and modeling projects and is currently available for work in Chicago & New York City.

About Turion F

Turion F Wilson is a professional male Actor from Illinois with 24 years of professional experience. Turion F is interested in film, theater, commercial, television, voiceover and modeling projects and is currently available for work in Chicago & New York City.


Professional Trained Actor from the south side of Chicago,IL Looking to make great films & learn more about the Acting craft & filming making business to be as good,professional,helpful,passionate,focused,dedicated & hardworking as I can be plus the new life time friendships & business relationships that comes from this wonderful industry.
Turion F Wilson
Turion F Wilson
Actor from Illinois
About Turion F

Professional Trained Actor from the south side of Chicago,IL Looking to make great films & learn more about the Acting craft & filming making business to be as good,professional,helpful,passionate,focused,dedicated & hardworking as I can be plus the new life time friendships & business relationships that comes from this wonderful industry.

From: Illinois
Age: 52
Weight: 165lbs
Height: 5'11"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald
Contact Information:  
E: trnwlsn@gmail.com   |  W: turionfwilson.www.webforactors.com
Turion F Wilson

Turion F Wilson

Actor from Illinois

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